Big cap tech stocks have been among the better performers year-to-date. The Nasdaq 100 Index is in positive territory with a 5.6% gain over the last three months, thanks in good part to last week’s respectable move. However, the secondary trend line (13-week moving average) remains flat and uninspiring.

A more compelling industry segment of the tech sector, though, is internet infrastructure. Exchange traded funds weighted in this area are moving. The HOLDRs Internet Infrastructure Fund (NYSE:IIH) and HOLDRs Broadband Fund (NYSE:BDH) are examples of ETFs investors can trade. Alternatively, trading AsiaInfo Holdings (NASDAQ:ASIA) would be a more aggressive China play on internet infrastructure. The stock has broken out in the past month and now trades at $17.17, up considerably from its March low of $11.03 after a 25% lift last week. ASIA is a Stock Trends Bullish Crossover, and a worthy trade in this space.

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