Thursday, January 15, 2009

Back to school

Swelling jobless rates are never a pleasant figure to face. But unemployment does put educational providers in a sweet spot. Some of these stocks have been performing quite well in the hovering recession. A Stock Trends Bullish Crossover last week, Devry Inc. (NYSE:DV) has been a bit of a yoyo around the 40-week moving average for a while. The secondary trend line, despite the crossover signal, is not showing an attractive uptrend. However, there is some supporting evidence in the educational services group that makes DV and its peers attractive trades. Others in the group include Apollo Group (NASDAQ:APOL), Corinthian Colleges (NASDAQ:COCO), Strayer Education (NASDAQ:STRA), and ITT Educational Services (NYSE:ESI). The volatility of these stocks is hazardous, but their potential makes them interesting trades. ESI stretched for a 52-week high today, while the others all enjoyed a nice rebound after Wednesday's stumble.

1 comment:


Cannot get to excited about anything in the retail sector.