Stock Trends Slots
The stock market is a game of chance. Try your luck!
Stock Trends reports on weekly price and volume changes for thousands of individual North American stocks. Every eligible stock is assigned a series of Stock Trends indicators which interpret those changes. Match these indicators in the Stock Trends Slots game and learn how the changing market affects random outcomes presented by the game.
This game of chance is a great way to learn about the Stock Trends indicators and how they provide guidance toward probable outcomes.
Every week a new data set is created with the Stock Trends updated indicators. The Stock Trends Slots game data for the current week are the records that have Stock Trends indicator values for listed common stock, exchange traded funds, or income trust units on the following four exchanges - New York, Nasdaq, Amex, and Toronto.
How to Play
Player receives a set of 5 random draws to start the game.
On each draw or play, a random generator fills 5 rows with listings for 5 different stocks, with each record filling the columns in the order of stock symbol, Stock Trends trend indicator, Stock Trends volume indicator, Stock Trends RSI value, and Stock Trends RSI up/down indicator. Learn more about what these indicators mean in theLearn section of the Stock Trends website.
Each draw the player accumulates points and/or free plays with matching columns and rows, as described in the section below. Each week, with the changing market and the new set of Stock Trends indicators published, the probabilities and associated payouts change. See how the market trends affect the game play and how your luck ranks against other players!
At the end of each slots play players may choose to enter a Bonus feature play - the Stock Trends Investor Challenge! Enter your final portfolio of 5 stocks in the rolling 4-week Stock Trends Investor Challenge for a chance to win BONUS awards if your portfolio beats all challengers! Stock Market Investor Challenge winners are awarded every week. (Note: presently we are beta testing the game - no prizes are applied to winners)
Subscribers to Stock Trends Weekly Reporter have the option to lock rows before a spin and improve the odds of making another point scoring match. For instance, if a player has matched two rows, he can select those two rows to be locked in position such that in the following spin only the other three rows are randomly selected. The points payout for matches of additional rows remains the same, but the probability of making those matches improves.
The following rules apply to the locking of rows:
1) once a row match is locked, no points for the locked match are scored on the subsequent spins. That is, there is no double counting of matches when the matches are locked.
2) if the player locks more than two rows, the free spin combinations do not receive free spins. There is a cost to locking more than two rows - the player cannot accumulate additional spins with the free spin matches.

Play to improve your odds and enter your portfolio of stocks
in the Stock Trends Investor Challenge!
in the Stock Trends Investor Challenge!
As a subscriber to Stock Trends Weekly Reporter you will have access to additional game features:
- lock game rows to reduce random outcomes and improve your odds of making a match!
- enter your own custom 5-stock portfolio in the Stock Trends Investor Challenge.